create balance

Feeling of value and delivering value are indisputably linked. 
value me – value you (a-ha)

True value is recognising the benefits of each.

“I will stay here as long as I feel of value’ is the consistent drumbeat of most new starters… and, with little surprise, it emerges that ‘feeling of value’ is where most people are when they’re performing at their best.

And, as everyone ‘performing at their best’ is the proven catalyst for an organisation to increase the value it delivers… this must be worth exploring.

Sounds straight forward… understanding it is, but how do we begin to embed such a critical and emotional connection?

The answer is balance… by firstly interrogating three key questions of your organisation - who you are, what you do and why you do it?

Connecting your colleagues to clear definitions on each of these, ensures a deeper, more meaningful understanding of their purpose and indeed, helps them better navigate how they then deliver their role… consistently aware and adjusting to the reality around them.

Crucially, they can now feel the value of the contribution they’re making... and individually, they can each feel ‘of value’, in making it.

The rewards are both obvious and measurable… and they perfectly address the two most critical issues possibly now emerging.

Staff Attraction – a balanced organisation offers more than just a job … it offers ‘role clarity’, an enhanced working experience, as part of an inclusive working environment.

An organisation that is consistently clear on, who they are, what they do and why they do it, presents itself as inherently more attractive and potentially secure, to potential candidates.

In parallel, the perceived confidence portrayed by such an organisation, also suggests a reassuring clarity in job role and purpose.

Staff Retention – when teams are offered the opportunity to connect, both rationally and emotionally, to the purpose and forward direction of a balanced organisation, loyal relationships mature and ripen.

Of course, financial remuneration remains a key factor, however, feeling of value is emerging as the most cherished ‘reward’ for employees and colleagues today.

Being able to recognise the valued contribution each role is making, delivers both individuals and teams, feeling at their best.

Finding, maintaining and improving balance, provokes this productive environment and retains the unique differentiator in any organisation today and the most valuable asset … people.

Value me, value you = value balance

Feeling of value helps most people to perform at their best. Feeling of value and delivering value are indisputably linked. True value is seeing the benefits of each.

more balanced thinking